
Team Heidts

HEIDTS was started in 1985 in the 700 square foot garage of company founder Gary Heidt. HEIDTS has grown over the last 30 years, and now occupies a modern 50,000 square foot facility in Lake Zurich, IL.

HEIDTS has built its business on Engineering Excellence, Quality Products and Fast, Friendly Service.

HEIDTS ships most orders within 24 hours of placement; we carry an extensive inventory and ship internationally.

HEIDTS has one of the most experienced Sales and Engineering staff in the industry, always ready to serve you. HEIDTS tests their products on its own fleet of Hot Rods and Muscle Cars, often competing in Autocross and Road Course competitions.


Plasma Cutter

All of HEIDTS crossmembers and brackets are cut with our high definition plasma cutter. This in-house production allows instant inventory fulfillment when demand increases. This is also how HEIDTS is able to be the fastest shipper in the industry.


HEIDTS does its own polishing in-house and produces some of the nicest polished parts in the industry.


HEIDTS bends all of their crossmembers, brackets and other components in-house.


The lathe area has two CNC lathes and a trusty turret lathe. These machines are kept running to capacity constantly.


HEIDTS operates 12 MIG and TIG stations.


HEIDTS outstanding production line…always in motion.

Industry Leaders in the Design and Manufacturing of Front & Rear Suspensions for Street Rods and Muscle Cars Parts . Heidts is one of the premier forces that challenges and supplies the market with not only some of the finest components, but some of the finest service as well. With our ever expanding product lines and changes to improve older suspension designs, look for Heidts to have a suspension for your ride.